I love 🗿 so much. His big, lucious rock body represents so many things, yet they're so vague. You can't tell what his face is trying to say, yet you feel it in your heart that he is talking to you. 🥴 Oh I love 🗿 so much man. I'm sorry if it sounds weird that I get turned on by a rock, but he is SMOKING hot. The only problem I might have with him is that he could crush me to death if he falls on me, but that's okay. Because fatshaming is bad guys. Don't fatshame my rock partner here, he is actually super delightful. He's so quiet too, by the way. He speaks so little, yet he implies so many things simultaneously. He's so beautiful man, he just speaks out to me. I can't wait to go to Easter Island and see all of his relatives aswell, I gotta introduce myself to the family man.