**It's** with an apostrophe simply means "it is." **Its** denotes possession, much like "hers" or "his." **Everyday** means commonplace, mundane, or benign. **Every day** just indicates consistent points in time. **Your** implies that something belongs solely to "you." **You're** is short for "you are," which you already knew. **Whose** is for possession; ownership again. **Who's** gets used for "who is," like "Hey there! Who's your friend?" **There** is a location, **they're** means "they are." **Their** means it belongs to them. (It's the most misused by far.) **Two** is just a number, **too** can mean "as well." **To** is a preposition, like "Damn it, go to hell!" **Passed** refers to passing, it's something that you did. **Past** involves direction, time, or a period. **Than** implies comparison, brought to mind forthwith. **Then** is for progression, or the partner to "if." If ever something **fazes** you, it might make you swoon. **Phases** reference different states, like those of the moon. **Loose** implies that something is neither firm nor tight. **Lose** is what you do when you get into a fight. **Advice** is something that you give when you try to **advise.** **Alot** and **everytime** aren't words. Claims otherwise are lies. **Affect** is a potent verb and **effect** is a noun. (True, there are exceptions, but those do not abound.) Now you know the proper use, your excuses are gone. If you still misuse homophones, then you are a moron.