Alexa Crawls
Starting in 1996,
Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive. Flowing in every day, these data are added to the
Wayback Machine after an embargo period.
Starting in 1996,
Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive. Flowing in every day, these data are added to the
Wayback Machine after an embargo period.
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Triple/Quadruple/Quintuple/Sextuple Homonyms
According to some definitions, a homonym is a word with the
same pronunciation as, but different meaning than, another word.
Thus, homonyms come in pairs (at least). However, some remarkable
homonyms come in triples, as you may here behold.
ade, aid, aide
aisle, I'll, isle
ait, ate, eight
aye, eye, I
axel, axil, axle
bald, balled, bawled
bases, basis, basses
(distinguishable in careful speech.)
beau, bo, bow
bight, bite, byte
boar, boor, bore
(distinguishable in careful speech.)
bold, bolled, bowled
bole, boll, bowl
born, borne, bourn/bourne
borough, burro, burrow
(distinguishable in careful speech.)
braise, brays, braze
birr, bur, burr
call, caul, col
cedar, ceder, seeder
ceiling, sealing, seeling
censer, censor, sensor
cent, scent, sent
Chile, chili, chilly
chord, cord, cored
coal, cole, kohl
coarse, corse, course
coign, coin, quoin
coward, cowered, cowherd
does, doughs, doze
(does is the plural of doe, "a female deer")
earn, erne, urn
eaves, eves, Yves
ewes, use, yews
fain, fane, feign
faro, farrow, pharoah
firs, furs, furze
flew, flu, flue
for, fore, four
frees, freeze, frieze
gild, gilled, guild
heal, heel, he'll
hi, hie, high
holey, holy, wholly
idle, idol, idyll
(idyll has a variant spelling "idyl" which we're not counting)
knead, kneed, need
knot, naught, not
knows, noes, nose
Lapps, laps, lapse
lays, laze, leis
liar, lier, lyre
load, lode, lowed
mead, Mede, meed
meat, meet, mete
mold, moled, mould
mhorr, moor, more
nay, nee, neigh
pair, pare, pear
palate, palette, pallet
plainer, planar, planer
polar, poler, poller
poor, pore, pour
psis, sighs, size
("psi" is more properly pronounced "P-SEE" but then, we're not Greek so we
can say it how we want to!)
rain, reign, rein
raiser, razer, razor
rapped, rapt, wrapped
read, rede, reed
road, rode, rowed
rood, rude, rued
rheumy, roomie (a roommate), roomy
roos, rues, ruse
(roos is the plural of roo, a kangaroo)
sacs, sacks, sax
shier, shire, shyer
sic, sick, Sikh
sics, Sikhs, six;
sign, sine, syne
Sioux, sou, sue
Sol, sole, soul
sold, soled, souled
taught, taut, tot
their, there, they're
to, too, two
toad, toed, towed
ton, tonne, tun
vail, vale, veil
vain, vane, vein
vial, vile, viol
wail, wale, whale
ware, wear, where
way, weigh, whey
weal, we'll, wheel
weather, wether, whether
whined, wind, wined
adds, ads, adz, adze
bi, buy, by, bye
carat, caret, carrot, karat
cees, seas, sees, seize
(cees is the plural of cee which is a name for the letter "C"
or the school grade, or any thing shaped like a "C").
cense, cents, scents, sense
cere, sear, seer, sere
cinque, sink, sync, synch
cite, cyte, sight, site
(cyte is a mature germ cell)
crews, cruise, crus, cruse
(crus is the plural of cru, a French vineyard whose name is
used to identify wine)
dew, do, doux, due
(doux is champagne that is at least seven percent sugar)
eau, o, oh, owe
ewe, yew, you, U
gnu, knew, new, nu
heigh, hi, hie, high
hoard, horde, hoared, whored
mall, moll, maul, mawl
medal, meddle, metal, mettle
(distinguishable in careful speech.)
oar, o'er, or, ore
pairish, parish, pearish, perish
peak, peek, peke, pique
praise, prase, prays, preys
rhos, roes, rose, rows
right, rite, wright, write;
teas, tease, tees, tis;
(tees is the plural of tee, a name for the letter "T" or for
things shaped like a "T", and has the variant T's which we're not
counting. tis is the plural of ti, a name
for one step of the musical scale)
wade, wayed, weighed, wheyed
weald, wealed, wheeled, wield;
seau, sew, so, soe, sow,
(a seau is a "pottery pail" popularly used in 18th century table settings,
but now on backorder;
soe is a kind of large wooden tub,
the sow we have here is the one meaning to plant)
air, are, e'er, ere, err, heir
raise, rays, rase, raze, rehs, réis, res
(rase is a verb meaning "to erase",
rehs is the plural of reh, a mixture of sodium salts found as
an efflorescence in India,
réis is the plural of
real, a currency unit of Portugal and Brazil,
res is the plural of re, a name for one step of the musical scale)
Thanks to Steve Schaefer for disqualifying "idyl", and
for proposing the "medal/meddle/metal/mettle" quadruplet.
Thanks to Terry Stickels for sharing the results of her
own research.
Thanks to David Norton for offering a number of new homonyms.
Thanks to Walton McNutt for the "their", "mall", "ton" and "taught" families.
Thanks to Carlos Augusto for correcting my explanation of réis.
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Last modified on 30 October 2015.